Dr. Daniel Hollar
"The Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head: Reconstruction of the Black Man, Woman and Child" There has been a discussion on social media regarding the question of what has happened to the Black/African American community. In response, I would like to offer some insights based on a synthesis of academic research, training/education, personal experience, philosophy/mythology and understanding gained from working in the field of clinical psychology. One aspect that stands out is the loss of knowledge about our history, culture, language, and identity. The understanding of oneself is crucial as it empowers individuals and communities, giving them a sense of purpose in the world. By knowing ourselves, we can better understand others and establish meaningful relationships. This knowledge also enables us to act wisely and in accordance with our best interests. On the other hand, the absence of self-awareness relegates us to a passive and dependent position, perpetuating the role of a permanent underclass. Historically, our community underwent a process of colonization when we traded our values for material goods from other groups. This resulted in idolizing and adopting an alien system that classified and defined us within a socially constructed color-caste system, where those in power placed themselves at the top and positioned us permanently at the bottom. This system of racism white supremacy requires these two opposing positions to function. Other groups within this system are allowed to compete for positions and privileges as long as they maintain the permanence of White dominance and contribute to upholding the underclass position of those labeled "Black." Complicity in maintaining this system extends to all groups, although some are eventually granted privileges that enable them to socially interact and do business as honorary Whites. To address the situation within the Black/African American community, it is essential to break free from fear conditioning and assimilationist learning. This can be achieved by reclaiming the knowledge of self and revitalizing our cultural norms, worldviews, and definitional systems. Embracing our cultural identity fearlessly leads to freedom, well-being, and the ability to thrive. Freedom is a fundamental right for all living beings, and any attempts to encroach upon that right disrupt the natural balance of life, leading to confusion, chaos, and destruction. The metaphor of Ancient Kemet's Asar\Osiris can provide insight into our history. Our people, like Asar, were broken and scattered across the globe just as we were through the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. In order to rebuild our strength and vitality, it is essential for Auset/Isis, representing the Black woman/mother and the first teacher, to guide us in reconstructing our mind, body and spirit. Recognizing that each social movement within our community holds a piece of the puzzle needed for our collective progress is crucial. I have identified five pieces of equal importance that contribute to this progress: 1. An Afrocentric Psychology & worldview, which provides an understanding of the African mind, emotions, behavior, and spirit through our own cultural lens. A worldview which places the Black man, woman and child at the center of instead of the peripherary of the global narratives and casts us as the hero and not the victim of the story of the modern world. 2. Figures like Marcus Garvey, The Moors, and Noble Drew Ali, who emphasize the importance of nationality, history, laws, politics, and social engineering. They help decode European language and legal definitions, fostering a profound understanding. 3. The teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam, and Black Nationalists, which offer modern mythology, theology, and the recognition of the need for independence from White rulership. 4. Pan-African Movements, which establish a global structure and organization, enabling us to act as one people in our interaction with others worldwide, asserting indigenous rights and holding claims to the native lands and resources of the African continent. 5. African-centered spirituality, which provides insight and understanding of unseen forces that guide us in the world, igniting our vitality and giving us breath. Gaining knowledge of who we are is an important step, but it must be followed by understanding and the ability to work together respectfully, leveraging our respective expertise and gifts. Once we accomplish this, we can manifest our wisdom or Wise-Dominion over ourselves. The symbolic rebuilding of the Black Man and Woman, represented by the 5 limbs of Asar in proper order and function (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head), parallels the awakening of the dormant Black God consciousness within each of us. To achieve order within our universe, we must engage in conversation and meaningful dialogue. Engaging in name-calling or emotionally fueled arguments will not lead us towards progress. Instead, we must cultivate a civilized approach within our community, controlling our conditioned tendencies to attack or emotionally react to offensive statements. Constructive dialogue forms the foundation of a thriving society. To sum it up, it is essential for us to reclaim our knowledge of self, restore our cultural practices, and engage in respectful dialogue to unite and uplift the Black/African American people. Dr. Hollar